Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Jan. 2014
Lodge is understood to be any group or group of individuals who congregate around an objective specific but also has the particular characteristic of being secret or not being able to make itself known to the public. The lodges are institutions very common from previous centuries, moments in which they were generated and gathered around the debate of philosophical, political, cultural or religious ideas. Nowadays they are not so common but those that exist remain as to maintain the spirit of institutions closed to the public that do not make their existence known or do not specify what the objective of their existence.
Lodges are institutions that are difficult to define insofar as their existence is not publicly recognized and in many cases they are not even known by people who are not part of them. In all cases, the lodges are made up of members who have requested to be part of the practices of the lodge and who have had to undergo initiation rituals whose main objective is to demonstrate the
loyalty to the secret of the lodge in question as well as the understanding of the particular spirit of it. In some cases, the initiation rituals of some lodges can be very demanding and require that the person must make great sacrifices in order to demonstrate his interest in take part.The definitive historical moment in which this type of institution arises is not known and this is due in large part to the character hidden that they maintain as one of their traits main. However, esteem that already from the Middle Ages One can speak of Masonic lodges or groups whose members met to discuss philosophical, religious or political issues. In the last centuries many of these lodges participated in important historical events due to the fact that in many cases their members They were individuals with high purchasing power, with political, economic and cultural influences in the historical context in which they emerged. In other cases, some lodges have been dedicated only to meditation on knowledge and the ways to develop it.
Themes in Lodge