Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Aug. 2010
Depending on the context in which the word is used ordinance will refer various questions.
One of the most widespread uses is that which refers to provision or mandate, since in this way the type of rule legal that integrates a regulation and that it is also subordinate to a law. The ordinance will be issued by the authority that he has the power to demand his compliance in case this is not done.
Depending on the context, there are different types of ordinances. The municipal ordinance It is the one that dictates the highest authority of a municipality, of a city council, that is, the mayor, the head of government municipal, being valid only within the municipality or commune in question, that is, outside of it it will not be valid if it has not been promulgated with the same place elsewhere. scope.
For its part, the provincial ordinance is the one that will have scope only in the Province in which it was issued. The municipal ordinance promulgated by the mayor of Mar del Plata prohibits bringing animals to the beach. The head of government of Buenos Aires promulgated the ordinance that prohibits the sale of alcoholic beverages to minors under 18 years after 8:00 p.m. in the city.
And the military ordinance It will be that which emanates directly from a competent military authority with the objective of regulating the activity and the regime of the troops.
Another of the also very widespread uses of the word is the one that serves to name the person in charge of carrying out the subordinate tasks of an office, that is to say, that it is especially concerned with carrying out the ordering the objects in a room. Juan has been hired to work as an ordinance in the labor ministry. They should hire more ordinance staff because the two people serving as such can't keep up.
Ordinance Topics