Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Oct. 2009
According to the context in which it is used, the word prayer will refer various questions ...
At the request of the Grammar, the sentence will be a word or set of words that have a complete grammatical sense and syntactic autonomy. A sentence is the smallest syntactic constituent with which we can find and that is capable of making a statement, expressing the content of a proposition logic, a mandate, a request, a question, that is, it is capable of communicating a complete idea and even if it is removed from context, continue to communicate.
Prosodically, the sentences will be separated through pauses or by lowering the tone of voice, while graphically, the sentences are delimited by punctuation marks, such as a period, so a period will mean the end of the sentence in question.
Sentences are classified into two groups, according to attitude assumed by the speaker or according to the syntactic structure they hold.
In the first group we will find the following:
declarative (Laura came back from work at six in the afternoon), exclamatory (What a barbarian!), interrogative (What is your name?), imperative (He already does the homework), hesitant (Maybe I'll meet Laura tomorrow afternoon), wishful thinking (Hopefully it doesn't rain on Saturday during the wedding).Meanwhile, in the second group the following are distinguished: attributive, predicative, intransitive, transitive, active, passive, reflective, reciprocal and passive reflex.
Although we can also find other minor classifications such as being in simple, compound and complex.
And on the other hand, the other widely spread meaning that is attributed to the term of prayer is that which is given to it in religious contexts, in which it refers to the supplication or request that an individual makes before a divinity or a saint, either to offer him homage, to make a special request, such as to help him obtain job or simply to be able to download and express some emotions or feelings very personal.
According to religion It can take various forms: simple devotion and that the person praying may make it public or private according to his intention, as part of a rite during a job religious, such as mass or by obligation, as indicated by some religions such as Islam that require praying a certain prayer or prayer five times a day.
Generally, prayer and according to religion, it is usually accompanied by a certain physical posture, such as putting the palms of the hands together, showing the open hands, open your arms in a cross, look up at the sky, hide your face in your hands, perform back and forth movements and in some very extreme cases until you show some way of humiliation.
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