Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Jul. 2009
Operator or operators are understood to be those employee that is generally in charge of carrying out some type of activity related to machinery or technology of any model. A trader is usually a relatively low rank within a company, institution or job since he is at the orders of superiors and performs mostly technical activities that involve repetition and physical rather than intellectual or organizational skills. Depending on the type of operator you are talking about, however, the importance of the position may vary.
The definition of operator is basically that of a person who has been chosen in a space labor or professional to develop a rather limited or specific activity. This activity may not be routine but it always has to do with more or less defined elements that do not vary in broad terms. In addition, an operator is someone who requires certain skills and abilities, but therefore These can generally be acquired through practice rather than through training that can provide a race.
There are infinite examples of functions and positions that could be described under these characteristics as operators. In this sense, when we think of an operator, the first image that comes to our heads is that of someone who works with larger or larger machinery. smaller in size and whose responsibilities are relatively limited to a specific task (for example, metallurgical operators, port operators, etc.).
However, there are other types of operators that may require certain training formal, especially in the world of politics and business. This is so when we talk about political traders, stock traders and others, who must have the necessary intellectual skills to be able to communicate, develop more important and critical tasks for the whole of the society.
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