Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Aug. 2012
The word pretty is a term that we apply assiduously when we want to account for what is pleasing to our senses, or failing that, that it's good and excellent. It should be noted that the word can be applied both to people and to things, objects and situations that havegender feminine, exclusively. Thus a skirt will be very beautiful and a woman can also be described as beautiful, and by the way, it is the word we use the most in the world. language everyday to refer to the beauty that someone has.
Because precisely the term that concerns us is closely related to the aforementioned concept of beauty, which implies the harmony and perfection that a thing, or failing that a person, present and that then turn them into subjects or objects of admiration and enjoyment for the senses.
Now, it is important to mention that since no individual is the same as another but rather we are all unique, unrepeatable and owners of personal and own experiences, it is usually a constant also that we do not all share the same criteria for determining what is beautiful and what is not, that is, it may be that what for me turns out to be beautiful for another is not and vice versa.
In any case, and with regard to human beauty, there is a conventionality regarding what is considered beautiful and that speaks of: Balance in the proportions, physical attractiveness, symmetry and sensuality, among other premises.
The word beautiful also has an important variety of synonyms that can be used in its place, such as: beautiful, pretty, pretty, pretty .... Bad and ugly are the opposite concepts of the word beautiful.
On the other hand, Bella, it's the name given to an Italian municipality located in the Province Italian from Potenza. It has an area of 99 square kilometers and about five thousand three hundred inhabitants.
And also, Bella, is the name of the character created by the mega production company of entertainment child disney and that is also the heroine of history known as Beauty and the Beast. The argument precisely tells the story of love between Beauty and the Beast, who is actually a prince who was punished for not knowing how to love with a spell that turned him into beast until the day that he could finally prove that he was capable of love, a question that can be turned the day he meets Pretty…
Themes in Bella