Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Dec. 2009
As one of the most beautiful and interesting elements of a residential building, the balcony is a surface that stands out from the perimeter of the building and that, with adequate protection, gives the inhabitants the possibility of enjoying a small space of air free, as well as different types of view according to the location.
The design of a balcony is always of great importance since it has to be highly safe both for people who perch on it and also for those who circulate underneath. In this way, the balcony can be supported by different types of materials that have varied over time according to the most common uses in each type of building. This support can be a combination of columns as well as a platform of cement, among others.
At the same time, it is extremely central to a balcony to have adequate protection that prevents possible accidents and falls. In this sense, the boundary of the balcony is defined by a railing that runs along its entire perimeter and that can be of different design and
style, also according to the type of construction referred to. While stone railings with thick and wide pillars are seen in old buildings, today the railings are often made of metal or wood and they usually have narrow bars to add more visible spaces (although preventing the passage of individuals through them).It is common for apartments or homes that have balconies to be more expensive than those that do not. have and this has to do with the fact that a balcony is always one more surface than is added to the total of the living place. In addition, the balcony allows the person who lives in the house to come into contact with the outdoors. In many cases, balconies are fabulous witnesses to celebrations, events and ceremonies that take place in the street, decorating them especially to become one more element of the total decoration of the space.
Balcony Themes