Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Dec. 2009
The Bastille was one of the best known prisons of the Modern Age in Europe. Located in the city of Paris, this prison became especially famous when hordes of people attacked its structure and began what would later be known as the French Revolution, changing the future of much of the civilization western. The Bastille was located in what today bears the name of Square Bastille, perhaps one of the most visited attractions in the tourism in Paris.
The Bastille prison was built in the 14th century as a haven for all those who commit a crime. However, with the passing of the centuries he would become one of the clearest representatives of the noble opulence since a large part of the prisoners who were sent to this prison received great attention and led a lifestyle similar to the one they led outside of it, full of luxuries, wealth and privileges. This meant that, in addition to being highly despised by some sectors of society, this prison also contributed to the various
crisis of the French State by generating innumerable expenses and financial complications.At the same time, its space and its effectiveness were not recognized and its structure had to be changed on numerous occasions to try to make its space a highly fortified fort. effective and useful, which was not achieved. The building itself was monumental, with numerous towers over 70 meters high and ramparts and walls around 25 meters high. The edification It was surrounded by an important moat that prevented the prisoners from escaping and kept it separate from the surroundings.
The storming of the Bastille day would be remembered worldwide as the kick-off of the Revolution French. On July 14, 1789 (currently, the national day of France) a large number of revolutionaries of diverse social origin (se esteem that in total between 40 and 50 thousand people were present in the area) took up arms from the prison and defeated the authorities of the same in one of the events against what was at that time the clearest representative of power noble.
Themes in Bastille