Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in May. 2018
The Aryan conquerors who occupied the territory from India they spread the Brahmanic religion or Brahmanism. From a historical point of view this religion is the ancient version of Hinduism. His sacred books are the Vedas, which date from 1500 to 800 BC. C. It is a polytheistic religion where the different forces of nature are also worshiped. The priests are known as Brahmins.
Its main deities are Brahma, Visnu and Shiva
Brahma is the main divinity and the essence of everything that exists in the universe. At the same time, he is the father of all gods. According to Vedic accounts, the gods were originally mortal, but Brahma made them immortal.
Vishnu is the god who symbolizes goodness and the preservation of the indestructible in a changing world. In the Vedas it is stated that the state of conscience highest in human beings is inspired by the presence of Vishnu.
Shiva is the divinity associated with the order of nature. At the same time, he is the one who governs the supernatural forces that go beyond human reason. With his
force mark the course of time and destroy everything so that it can be reborn. He is the god of knowledge who inspires the great masters of Hinduism.Beliefs and values
Those who practiced this religion promoted love and I respect towards any form of life. They rejected aggressiveness and violence in any of its forms. While they accepted divorce and polygamy, they did not condone adultery. His followers led a humble life in which respect for the elderly and the sick was especially important.
The Brahmins promoted strict ethical values and for this reason gambling, usury or cruelty to animals was prohibited. Likewise, drunkenness, suicide, greed and aggressive behavior were frowned upon. Many followers of Brahmanism practiced an asceticism based on fasting, chastity and austere life. Physical self-punishment and the practice of yoga were common among them.
Karma and the vision of the soul
In Brahmanism the existence of karma was deeply believed. In this sense, karma functions as a law that governs all actions. Thus, if we do good, we receive good things and if we do bad, negative things happen to us. In other words, positive karma creates happiness and peace and the negative causes pain and suffering. Consequently, the only way to happiness is to do good and avoid evil.
Likewise, in Brahmanism it is believed in the reincarnation of the human soul. Thus, the soul is in a process of learning permanent and if we have done good deeds we will reincarnate into a higher being.
On the contrary, if we have led a life inspired by negative karma, the next reincarnation of the spirit will be in a lower body (for example, an animal). His vision of his soul connects with the caste system, since through the good or bad actions that are carried out during life it is possible to go up or down from category social in an upcoming reincarnation.
Fotolia photos: NChoochat / Satishpedse
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