Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Mar. 2010
The word that occupies us admits several references, in its most general and wide use it allows to refer to the incipient appearance of some question. Meanwhile and from this generality that he proposes is that the word is used by various contexts that we will review below.
The new stem that appears on a plant
With the term sprout it refers mainly to the first section or part of a plant or the same as saying that a new stem has appeared at the behest of a planted vegetable. The sprout represents the birth of the green part of the plant and is one that arises suddenly but as a cause of a progressive growth process that begins earlier. In addition, the sprout is the most delicate part of the plant at the same time as the part through which the future plant begins to develop and grow out of the ground. Thus, the idea of bud as a natural element can be described as the first section of the plant to appear out of the ground.
Buds usually arise from the seed or the bud. When it does it from seed we will be in front of a new plant, gradually appearing roots and a small stem with leaves.
And if the origin is the bud, a new stem or series of leaves will appear. A characteristic of all shoots is that they are not very hard due to the development of the wall mobile it is almost nil.
Sudden appearance of a disease in a region
However, the sprout understood as a portion of a plant is not the only meaning of the term. In this sense, the word outbreak is used for medicinal and epidemiological aspects. An outbreak of a disease It is the sudden or unexpected appearance of such a disease in specific and particular circumstances. In this way, the term outbreak as part of an epidemic implies the idea of an abrupt appearance. Here it is important to note that the term outbreak is used in a sufficiently defined spatial and temporal framework to be able to analyze what kind of causes is due to the appearance of such disease. In many cases, the word 'outbreak' is used to establish the notion of epidemic without generating panic in society.
However, it is important that the health authorities immediately take care of the investigation of an outbreak in a given region in order to effectively prevent it from spreading to a nearby area and thus follow a course of extension that may later become an epidemic serious. The prevention, materialized in the investigation of the case and the implementation of policies so that the outbreak is not promoted It is the most efficient way to avoid an epidemic and it is the protocol with which you should act forever.
When a disease x gets out of control, that is, when the authorities lose their compass, due to laziness or negligence in their work, then it is very difficult counteract its tremendous consequences and we must make it clear that they all begin with an outbreak in a certain place or region and if there is no prevention, extend.
And we cannot ignore the extent of an outbreak is that at present the fantastic possibility that exists of transferring a place to another, in certainly short periods of time, makes an outbreak can reach immediately the opposite side of the planet in which arose. An issue to be taken into account by the health authorities. Recently, a new Ebola outbreak in Africa caused stupor in Europe and America because infected people had taken it with them to their countries of origin and thus opened the alert of the epidemic.
Sudden presence of negative and violent feelings
Finally, continuing with this notion of outbreak, the term can also be used to indicate the sudden and almost violent appearance of feelings social of different kinds. In this sense, the term gains a connotation a bit negative since the social outbreak is understood in most cases as the product of irrationality, violence and fear.
Examples for this situation could be outbreaks of racism, of violence, of destruction, etc. All of them, on the other hand, arise at a specific time, due to more or less observable causes and tend to see their power diminished. after a short time (unlike other social phenomena that can be chronic in a community, such as the corruption).
Outbreak Issues