Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Nov. 2015
The human being has a very unique characteristic within the animal kingdom: we are the only animals capable of communicating with an elaborate language. Thus, the communication Oral is a genuine uniqueness of our species. However, the ability to communicate can be hampered by a language disorder. Bradylalia is one of the possible alterations or disorders that affect speech.
Etymologically bradilalia comes from the Greek and means to speak slowly (bradys means slow, lalein is the action of speaking and the suffix ia refers to the process of something).
How someone talks with bradylalia and associated problems
Those who suffer from this disorder communicate verbally with great slowness and monotonous tone, with little fluency and with an apparently distorted voice. Sounds are often repeated or prolonged excessively, verbalization is blocked, and unjustified pauses are usually made. Obviously, this disorder has various consequences: problems in communication with others, low
self-esteem and even irritability. If someone suffers from this pathology, it is likely that others think that it is a cognitive problem or some type of intellectual delay. In some cases bradylalia is an anomaly associated with other pathologies (Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis or alterations caused by consumption of drugs).Bradilalia affects the motor aspect of speech and not the understanding of language. This disorder is the opposite of another, taquilalia, which consists of a hasty and excessively fast way of speaking.
Diagnosis and treatment
Bradilalia or taquilalia are disorders that affect speech. The professionals who deal with this type of problem are speech therapists. To make a diagnosis of this type of pathology, it is necessary to carry out tests in different areas (on the intelligence of the individual, his perception, her performance in reading and writing or in relation to levels of attention). When the patient already has a diagnosis of bradylalia, they can start with a intervention speech therapy, which usually lasts for a long time. The strategy fundamental is based on working the coordination between the sounds and the breathing, strengthen the organs involved in speech and use strategies to correct excessive slowness in communication.
Other speech disorders
Dysphasia consists of a very limited vocabulary, accompanied by language errors and trouble naming things clearly. Dyslalia is a phonological disorder in which there is no correct pronunciation of words. Stuttering is a disruption of the rhythm of speech that affects fluency in oral communication.
Photo: iStock - alexandrum01
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