Definition of Maitreya Buddha
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Aug. 2018
In Buddhist texts it is stated that at some point a new Buddha will come to this world. It is about a man whose name is Maitreya, which in Sanskrit means "the friendly one". He is someone endowed with a great wisdom and deeply kind. Is belief It is based on a prophecy made by the Buddha himself.
In Buddhism the future Buddha currently dwells in what they call the "heaven of contentment." Maitreya remains there, waiting for the opportune moment to appear before the men. Following the texts where this prophecy appears, Maitreya will be well received by humanity, since his proposals are impregnated with goodness spiritual.
According to the prophecy the advent of Maitreya will be accompanied by a sign: the waters of the oceans will wane. Once it appears among men a new social order will be formed based on the love and the toleranceas the new Buddha knows the concerns that afflict men and wants to help them.
Maytreya is considered the instructor of the world
Those who believe in the arrival of a new Buddha to the world affirm that he will come with a
message from peace in order to alleviate suffering and war. At the same time, to establish the path of peace it will be necessary for men to bet on the path of Justice, since without justice it is impossible to achieve peace. In this sense, for justice and peace to prevail, material goods must be shared.Certain followers of Buddhism believe that the second coming of Maitreya has already occurred
In some currents of Buddhism it is stated that Maitreya has already appeared before men. It has been said that he left his heavenly retreat to come to the city of London in 1977, that he worked as a night porter in a hospital and that the messages he has addressed to humanity have been made by telepathy.
The British Benjamin Creme maintains that the new Buddha is a teacher of all religions and that at some point he will maintain a communication telepathic with all humanity.
Similar beliefs exist in other religions
- Judaism believes in the arrival of the true messiah, who will start a new messianic era.
- In Hinduism it is spoken of Kalki, the definitive incarnation of Vishnu.
- In Zoroastrianism it is believed that Saoshyant will be a new benefactor for humanity.
-In Christianity the second coming of Jesus is also expected to purify humanity and judge his people (Matthew 25: 31-46).
Photo: Fotolia - Archivist
Themes in Maitreya Buddha