Definition of Corporate Identity
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Oct. 2010
The identity It implies that series of information and features that single out and distinguish something or someone and that as such serve to confirm what it is and what it proposes.
What is identity?
The concept is usually used especially for individuals, associated with their particular characteristics in terms of personality and character, and also in what corresponds to their legal identification: name and surname, document number, among other data.
Meanwhile, this singularization and distinction can also be made in institutions and companies, to clearly distinguish themselves from the competence.
When we talk about corporate identity we are referring to the different elements that a company, a brand or a company uses to distinguish itself from the rest.
The resources a company uses to differentiate itself from its competition
These elements range from the most basic such as the logo or merchandising, to more complex elements such as ways of acting, of respond to certain events, to negotiate, to deal with certain situations, the relationship they establish with their clients, etc.
All these elements together are what completely put the notion of corporate identity. This identity is also shared by all members who work in the company and serves to identify it and differentiate it from the rest of the companies that make up the market.
The relevance of the Logo
One of the main elements that a company must have to define its corporate identity is the logo. Although this element seems very simple and minor, the logo will be from the moment it is establish, the visible face of the brand and what all customers will observe when they want to contact with her.
Logos are usually graphics, typographic manifestations, or a combination of both that allow us to identify a company or institution, and that in the commercial plane they have a special value since they allow us, customers or consumers, to quickly recognize companies.
This recognition is of the utmost and vital importance if it is related or congruent with the prestige of the company.
So, knowing this is that the advertising uses them as resources basic and flags in the campaigns they undertake, and they also reproduce them in the various media so that the arrival is massive.
Among the conditions that they must meet to effectively fulfill their mission is that they be simple to distinguish for any culture and language, and that report an impact that makes it difficult to forget them. The basic idea is that by looking at the logos, people recognize the brands immediately.
Thus, the current market world means that each company has its own logo and that the public associates a type of logo with a type of company. For example, while company logos computing They tend to be more sober and serious, those for food products can be more relaxed and colorful. That is, depending on the type of product that is marketed, the Logo You can show more rigidity and seriousness, or appeal to more playful and fun issues.
Currently, any company, large, small, or just starting, and that wants to last in its business must have a logo, since it will help it to establish itself in the market and of course to be recognized in a way simple.
The influence of merchansiding and new technologies
Merchandising is also very important when defining the corporate identity of a company. This is so since through elements such as stationery, envelopes, cards, pens, bookstore instruments, as well as through other elements (chocolates, mugs, clothing items, etc.) the brand is advertised and each employee is identified with the company in which they works. This generates a greater sense of belonging both inside and outside the company.
And we cannot ignore in today's life new technologies, all established brands or in process to this, they cannot not flaunt a web space that also adds to that affirmation of identity.
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