Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Jan. 2010
Psychology: the self that allows each human being to become aware of their own identity
For the Psychology the ego covers that psychic instance in which a person recognizes himself as a unique self and takes conscience of your own identity.
In this case, the ego will be taken as the point of reference that performs the function of mediating between the world around us, the ideals that arise from our superego and the instincts manifested by the it.
The Sigmund Freud approach
Meanwhile, it will be in the psychology developed by the Psychologist Sigmund Freud that the term occupies a place transcendental, since he is one of the three differentiated persons who, according to Freud, coexist in being human. Although not all currents of psychology support this theory, Freud firmly believed that the mind of man is made up of both conscious elements and unconscious.
According to Freudian psychology, the id is made up of both desires and impulses; the super ego or super ego, meanwhile, is made up of the
moral and all those norms that a subject respects and knows that he must do so, of a society; and the self, that is, the ego, represents the Balance that allows man to satisfy his needs within social parameters.Then, the ego tends to evolve with age, for this reason it will try to reconcile the desires of the id in the most realistic way possible and bringing them closer to the demands expressed by the superego. The self, for the most part, changes over time and depends on the external world.
Person with an inordinate appreciation for himself
On the other hand, In common and colloquial language, people often use the term ego to refer to situations in which there is an obvious excess of self-esteem on the part of a person; the person with this type of characteristic tends to show great appreciation for himself and constantly manifesting, either by complimenting or talking about him all the time, about what happens. For example, the person who has this tendency in his personality he will always talk about it, and nothing but what happens to him is what matters. If someone else tells you about something that happens, this person will not tend to listen and advise you, as they should be, but will begin to talk about her, what happens or happened in relation to what the interlocutor of him account.
Meanwhile, the person who shows the aforementioned traits is called an egomaniac in our language.
An inclination that will generate social problems
In other words, the egomaniac always shows an inordinate appreciation for himself, for example, the word is often used as a synonym for concepts such as conceited and vain.
That fantastic love that the egomaniac expresses all the time for himself is not good for him and his social development, as we already mentioned, and then, psychology, discipline who deals with addressing men's behaviors, considers this characteristic a form of problematic behavior that demands attention and treatment in order to control it.
Among the causes that unleash this conduct psychology identifies the inheritance that the egomaniac received from some of his parents, who observed this characteristic. This situation is usually transferred from the father to the son like any other pathology.
Also, psychology gives us an explanation of why and attributes it to the fear that egomaniacs usually have and that then leads them to create this character who considers himself superior to all the others, a super man, and who does not present any kind of empathy with the rest of the world world.
Generally, this sense of the term tends to connote a question of a negative kind and then people with this inclination are usually rejected by a great deal. part of society that does not like that extreme love and concern for himself and the consequent disinterest for those around him or what happens to others.
Themes in Ego