Definition of INAPAM (Mexico)
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Mar. 2018
In developed countries as a whole, the group of older people is gradually increasing. This reality has generated the need to create organisms to address the problems related to this sector of society. It is in this context when in 1979 a public interest entity was founded in Mexico, the National Institute of Older Adults, better known popularly by the acronym INAPAM.
To access the services provided by this body it is necessary to have reached the age of 60.
Some of the services and programs integrated in INAPAM
So that the elderly do not have mobility limitations and can move without excessive cost there are special discounts on public transport.
In comprehensive health centers, the elderly group has access to global medical care, as well as specific preventive workshops.
In order for the elderly to have opportunities for leisure and socialization, this organization has set up all kinds of workshops and activities that take place in INAPAM clubs.
Likewise, some establishments offer discounts and special rates for those over 60 years of age.
People who do not receive a pension from the age of 65 can benefit from financial aid.
Other programs associated with this entity are the following: legal advice, physical activity and productive activities.
Some of INAPAM's services and programs are provided through other public bodies, such as municipal centers, gerontological units or cultural centers.
In short, the approach that inspires INAPAM's actions is based on a transversal vision of the third age, since the social reality of this group is related to issues such as health, transportation, culture or the social exclusion. In this sense, in the organs of government this institution Representatives from various public spheres are present, such as the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Labor, the Ministry of Social development wave of Education Public.
To facilitate the management of the services provided by INAPAM, an identification card has been created. With it it is possible to verify the identity of Username and avoid any type of irregularity. Obviously, to obtain this card it is necessary to present a series of official documents.
Foreigners over 60 years old and residing in Mexico can also apply for the card, but specific documents are required.
Photo: Fotolia - ruslanita
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