Definition of Verbal Incontinence
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Maite Nicuesa, in May. 2015
A person may show verbal incontinence by talking excessively without having 100% full control from the point of view of attention in his speech as a consequence of excess nervousness about a situation determined.
There are people who can take conscience of an episode of incontinence of this type after realizing that they have talked more than they that they should have spoken (having disclosed personal information that they regret having shared).
Talk for the sake of talking
There are people who talk a lot in a habitual way, they are people who tend to take center stage in conversations by talking a lot about themselves. However, there are also people who can suffer episodes of this type in a more specific way.
Talking about more can produce a wrong image in front of the other since this type of attitudes shows the essence of the vain behavior of someone who loves to feel heard but does not like to listen.
Impulsiveness of words, and the problem of speaking without thinking
Confessing certain truths as a consequence of the impulsiveness of the moment can take its toll in the long term since the communication it must be the consequence of reflection. People who talk excessively feel the urge to fill awkward silences with words.
Therefore, it is advisable to become aware of the limits in communication in order to advance in the improvement of the dialogue by giving an adequate meaning to the word but also to silence. Verbal incontinence is also known as the verbiage of one who falls into the habit of talking for the sake of talking.
Typical scenarios in which you have to be careful
There are specific situations in which this excess of words can boycott success in a certain situation: when networking at a work event, when facing a interview of work to qualify for a specific job position, when carrying out a exposition in public without having control of the times of the talk, on a first sentimental date...
How to improve interpersonal communication
The human being learns the first words of him from an early age. However, at the communication level, it is very important to adopt the role of being a constant student who wants to express himself in a better way. exist resources help: conducting courses on social skills and workshops oratory they are a good tool help to enhance empathy in the use of the word.
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