Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Jul. 2009
We use the qualifier wind to define the type of Energy generated by the wind or the masses of air circulating around the planet. The word Aeolian is a derivation of the name of the god Aeolus, the Greek god of the winds who had dominion over air masses and was usually associated with intrepid sailors who dared to cross the seas. The wind power It is today one of the most natural and recommended since it is based on renewable resources and does not generate any type of contamination, unlike other energies, such as that generated by oil.
The movement constant of the different air masses existing on the atmosphere of planet Earth is the basis of what we understand as wind energy. This movement is variable according to the type of surface, the temperature and other elements that must, together, be taken into account in order to understand how to make better and more efficient use of such energy.
To be able to use the energy generated by the winds, the human being must have elements that work through rotation and that, based on the appropriate mechanisms, transform this movement into usable energy of different ways. These elements are known as windmills or wind turbines that have propellers. These propellers suffer the movement of the wind and transport that movement to specific types of alternators that would then be responsible for generating the energy.
Although currently the use of wind energy is seen as one of the most sustainable and modern possibilities of the technology human, man already used this type of energy since time immemorial, through more primitive but equally efficient mills. Although the use of wind energy is today very important for the care of the planet, the costs that such facilities require and investment make this type of energy much more expensive than other types of energy, although in the long term it is more profitable and sustainable.
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