Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Dec. 2012
The word perfect is the term that we mostly use in our language when we want to give an account, that something or someone, They are in excellent condition, that is, they do not present damages, breaks or failures or they present the highest level of goodness, respectively.
From the foregoing it follows that the word is usually used to account for the excellence that both an object and an individual have. The table we buy is perfect, you don't have to do anything, just start using it. Your cousin is perfect, you never hear a commentary unpleasant against nothing or nobody.
It should be noted that when the word perfect is placed in front of a noun whose mission is to qualify it, it allows us to indicate that it has the highest level important inside the quality or defect that refers and per case is higher than the average. MarĂa is a perfect insolent, she never greets her office colleagues when she arrives.
Although there are certain parameters that allow us to speak of something perfect or not, nobility requires highlighting that it is found closely linked to our subjectivity, that is, what for some may be perfect for others may not be and vice versa.
On the other hand, on Grammar, the word perfect designates a kind of weather verbal indicating a perfect look; the action that is manifested has been completed and is not necessarily linked to the facts of the present. It is typical of Romance languages.
In therightwe also find a reference for this word that is used for express absolute effectiveness at the legal level.
And at the behest of themath, perfect, is that number that is equal to the sum of the proportional parts that presents.
There are several synonyms for this term, although undoubtedly one of the most used is that of impeccable.
Meanwhile, the word that opposes is that of imperfect, which proposes the opposite, that which is not perfect and therefore has defects.
Perfect Themes