Definition of Agroindustrial Engineering
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Nov. 2013
The engineering agro-industrial is the part of the engineering that deals with intervening in the processes of production agro-industrial.
The agroindustry, for its part, is the branch within the industry in which two activities are carried out, the food, which deals with transforming all those products that result from the practice of fishing, the farming, livestock and forestry into finished and ready-to-use products. consumption. While on the other hand there is the one that is not food that will transform raw materials through resources of natural origin and made from these various industrial products.
It should be noted that the field of action of agribusiness is really wide and can range from design from specialized equipment for industries to industrial management itself.
Regarding the useful life of raw materials, they have a variable life, which can go from a few hours, going through a few days, and in other cases, such as grains, last several months. Meanwhile, one of the functions of agribusiness will be precisely to make the useful life of the aforementioned raw materials last weeks or tables, which have a very short life.
To the professional that works in this area is called agro-industrial engineer and among the many tasks and jobs that you will be able to perform once you graduate in the agroindustrial engineering career, the following stand out: evaluate and select those processes of transformation and production of raw materials in order to convert them into finished products that satisfy the production in this area. You will also be able to lead projects of elaboration of these products.
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