Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Jul. 2011
The safety is the inability that something or someone presents to inflict harm on another individual or a person, that is to say, when something or someone is said to be safe, it will be because there is a proven reason that showed that this or that does not hurt.
Inability of something or someone to cause harm
Normally, the word innocuousness is used in relation to substances that human beings manipulate in their chores or daily work, or failing that in some situation and by x circumstance, and that do not cause damage during that handling; Of course, this doubt is cleared up once the pertinent study is carried out that decrees its safety, or when it is confirms that the people who handled her were unharmed and did not present any consequences for having touched her.
The relevance of this issue in food safety to avoid health problems
And on the other hand, the use of the word is recurrent at the request of the safety food.
The food, because it is also free to manipulate human beings, it is that they must be carefully studied before being ingested in order to avoid diseases or conditions that can put into
danger health and in some extreme cases even the life of a person, if they consume any food that lacks the aforementioned quality harmless.Safety is a basic concept within public health and therefore essential when it comes to Commerce of food.
A food that has been found to have a deviation in the parameters set as normal should be excluded from the shops and informed before the corresponding public health authorities to prevent it from continuing to circulate and from reaching the hands of the consumers.
If this happened it would be really serious because the health of hundreds of people would be at risk and that it cannot happen in any way when it has already been noticed that the food has caused some harm in someone.
Control mechanisms
There are laws created for this purpose to generate the corresponding inspections that allow evaluating the merchandise that is marketed, as well as They also establish the commitment that gastronomic entrepreneurs must assume to offer those who control all the necessary information about the product.
Periodic and surprise visits are also established to guarantee that the expected health conditions are always met.
Basic conditions for good handling
It is important that food is prepared, stored and handled properly, according to the characteristics they present, in order to avoid food poisoning; it is very important to comply with the conditions of cleaning (frequently washing hands and cooking surfaces), separation (prevents contamination crusade) cook properly and cool quickly those foods that demand it.
Such conditions outlined above should be observed both at home and in those public places in which they are commercialize food, although, in the latter case it is also necessary for the state to take care of carrying out the corresponding sanitary controls in the aforementioned places, closing those that are not following basic hygiene measures required.
However, beyond the measures that are taken and the controls that are carried out, this did not prevent misfortunes from occurring in some circumstances, such as loss of human life.
The specialty that is dedicated to such tasks is called bromatology. It addresses the issue globally, that is, it intervenes at all stages, deals with the production, manipulation, conservation, elaboration, distribution and its association with health.
Medicines in the magnifying glass too
Medicines must also meet quality standards, since their mission is to solve people's health problems, for example, the importance of marketing them in correct conditions, not expired, that have been previously tested and approved for free sale, or that do not have the proper approval of the agency competent.
We can apply the concept in relation to issues or events, for example, to refer to the little significance that an event presents.
For example, we use it very commonly, as we have already seen, to refer that events do not present complications. The same as before we talked about food or medicine, when all of them are said to be safe, it is because have no capacity to cause damage in the normal course of things, or in someone's body, depending on corresponds.
Safety Issues