Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Feb. 2011
Through the term insurgent you can realize that individual who is in revolt or raised in favor of a certain cause.
Person who revolts against a cause or authority
Mostly, we tend to use the word insurgent as a synonym for the term rebel and to give an account of who is expressing a rejection of the authority current.
Meanwhile, the insurgent can express disagreement to a measure or to the order established by a government, for example, through different routes; the most subtle, mild, and normally harmless way for the common good is the civil disobedience that the insurgent will sustain as a way of life, such as not going to vote even though it is mandatory, not paying his taxes even though these are also, among other alternatives.
And the other way, the most complex and dangerous is that of express disagreement through the use of weapons whose clear mission will be to destroy the government in office or the social organization corresponding.
So, the insurgent is the fundamental pillar of a rebellion and this is his field of action.
Insurgency is criminalized when carried out against an elected government popularly, therefore, whoever opposes the authority elected by direct vote will be plausible of receiving a judicial punishment.
Although there is also what is known as right to rebellion or the right to resistance, which is that right that is recognized as a power that peoples and individuals have before the action of an illegitimate government.
When a foreign country decides to invade another territory that does not belong to him, it is common for the people to act against him, emerging insurgents who will be the ones who will resist the changes they want implement the tyrant government. Then, depending on the case, if it is an insurgency without reason, for the simple fact of imposing itself over another, the insurgency will be punished, instead, When the insurgent proclaims himself in favor of the defense of the autonomy and independence of his territory, against an unjust attack he will be considered just and acceptable.
Concept widely used to refer to the leaders of independence in the American continent
The concept of insurgent has been used a lot to refer to all those men and women who back in the 19th century, in the continent American, especially from Mexico, to the south, in Argentina, they decided to take up arms in favor of their liberation of the Spanish crown that dominated and oppressed its territories since the discovery of America by Colon.
That is to say, in those times and today seen from a distance, already with the autonomy and independence declared in all those territories, the insurgents were equivalent to heroes of the homeland and so it is that most of them went down in history, among the most remembered we can cite Simón Bolívar, General Don José de San Martín, Cura Hidalgo y Costilla, among others.
If we dive into history we can find many examples of insurgencies, among them we can cite the Revolution de Mayo, as a series of events that occurred in the month of May 1810, in the city of Buenos Aires, in Argentina, at that time capital of the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata, and which led to the deposition of the Viceroy and the installation of the first national government: First Board.
A series of Creole citizens met in the Plaza de Mayo, around the Cabildo, and began to demand their autonomy.
This fact was fundamental and the kick-off for the declaration of independence in 1816 and also for the liberation of as many territories that made up the Viceroyalty, such is the case of Chile, Peru, Bolivia, among others. Being General San Martín, one of the greatest exponents of South American liberation.
And on the other hand to the call as Grito de Dolores, events that occurred in Mexico and in favor of independence and in which the inhabitants of this town called Dolores, assembled by the caudillos Hidalgo and Ignacio Allende, they rose up against the current Spanish rulers and fought them until they achieved the long-awaited autonomy from Spain.
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