Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Mar. 2016
There is talk of irritation in a physiological sense but also from the perspective of the conduct human. Likewise, this word can be found in relation to some things that cause unpleasant sensations.
Discomfort, wounds and pathologies
A part of the body is irritated when it suffers some kind of alteration or discomfort. A small scrape, a burn, a blow or the effect of a virus can cause some irritation. This can occur anywhere on the body. The eyes become irritated if we are exposed for a long time in front of a screen. The same happens with the skin if we sunbathe excessively.
Organ irritation is the body's way of letting us know that something is wrong. Some parts of the body are more prone to irritation, such as the groin, face, throat or hands. What rule Generally, irritation in any part of the body involves itching, inflammation and pain.
Typically, the term irritation is used to describe momentary discomfort that can be alleviated in some way (with a cream or ointment). If the irritation is chronicle It can be a symptom of some disease More serious.
Irritable people
There are individuals who get angry easily and who act in an impetuous and angry manner. Irritable people cannot control their responses, and this often has consequences for their personal life.
In some way, we can all get irritated at some point, because there is always something that drives us crazy or that alters our spirits.
Irritation as a form of behavior is clearly observable and can be seen in the tone of voice and in the words, in the gestures or in the attitude nervous.
Irritating things
While we are all irritated by something in particular, some things irritate most
Excessive noise causes agitation and irritation in the mood. We feel upset and irritated by uncomfortable and stressful situations, such as traffic jams, long waits, not finding something we are looking for or because of the bad education of some people. In any case, the irritation is like a spark that ignites the discomfort. To avoid this type of unhealthy reactions there are people who practice some technique relaxation, such as yoga, tai-chi, or meditation.
Photos: iStock - AzmanL / laflor
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