Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Carmen Lorenz, in Mar. 2016
A simple way to define a concept is to understand its etymological origin. The word ‘exorcism’ comes from the Greek exorkosis, which means ‘out of oath’. An exorcism is an attempt to dislodge demons or spirits from the body of a human being. The idea that demons can be cast out is automatically derived from the belief that demons are capable of possessing people. Those who believe in it also think that some people have power over these beings and can force them to cease their possession.
Exorcisms and religion
The exorcism of evil spirits is commonly associated with Christian religions. It appears frequently in the New Testament, but is curiously absent in the Hebrew scriptures. Apparently, the belief in demons and exorcisms became very popular in Judaism as well, with the Pharisees who are actively involved in identifying and dislodging demons from the people.
The Catholic Church still accepts evil possession and its priests continue to apply what is known as "royal exorcism," a 27-page ritual to expel evil spirits. This process consists of using the
Water blessed, incantations, various prayers, incense, relics and Christian symbols such as the cross. The Catholic Church has at least ten official exorcists in the continent American.Mental illness: a possible explanation
Many stories of exorcisms seem to involve people suffering from mental illness, which may be understandable if we take into account that the understanding The medical treatment of these conditions is a relatively recent development.
Scientists say that most cases of supposed demonic possession of human beings, probably obey people with disorders brain, from epilepsy, schizophrenia, syndrome Tourette's, or people whose brains are more or less healthy. In any case, the behaviors of the possessed closely resemble the behaviors of people with physical, emotional, electrochemical, and neurochemical disorders, among others.
Unfortunately, if a person with some disease The mind can take on the traditional symptoms of demon possession and attempts to perform an exorcism will only fuel his delusions, preventing him from getting real help from a specialist.
Exorcisms, as causes of physical illness and solutions to other personal problems, are common in Africa, Latin America, the Middle East and tribal cultures.
The risk behind an exorcism
Many people fear demon possession, but the exorcists themselves can cause great harm. Exorcisms are known to have caused a number of real-world tragedies in recent years. The violence with which the rituals are carried out can leave irreversible consequences in the victim and in many cases, it can even cause death.
Photos: iStock - amoklv / darkbird77
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