Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Jul. 2009
We understand by euphemism the phrases, sayings and expressions that are used to replace those that may sound offensive or insulting in certain spaces or areas. The term euphemism derives from ancient Greek, for which eumeant 'fine', 'correct' and pheme meant 'to speak'. Thus, we conclude that the word eupheme represents the notion of speaking well or correctly. The euphemism is opposed to 'blasphemy' or insult.
The main function of the euphemism is to lighten or improve the terms in which certain phrases express certain ideas. Euphemisms can be used to replace words, concepts or ideas as well as proverbs and colloquial phrases. At the same time, the presence of a euphemism becomes vivid in spaces in which recognizing serious situations can be dangerous, for example, in the political-diplomatic sphere. The euphemism therefore seeks to adapt the idea to the space in which it must be expressed. For that matter, it is not the same to make a asseveration in an informal space such as a meeting of friends than in a formal space such as a work meeting.
Although sometimes the use of euphemisms has to do with the education and the I respect, many times it can also be understood with a sensation double talk or lie depending on the case. Obviously, euphemisms change over time in the same way that the language and the communication. Languages are not permanent structures but they alter some of their concepts and terms according to specific situations. This is especially the case with language colloquial of each society or culture, and just as an insult or a aggression, in the same way you can change the euphemism used to cover it.
Some examples of euphemisms used on a daily basis may be the use of foreign terms that can lighten the contents of their own (as in the case of toilette), abstractions (such as saying to do that when trying to signal the presence of sexual intercourse), adaptations (not exactly efficient), etc.
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