Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Jan. 2009
In contexts such as the biology wave ecology Extinction is one of the least desirable scenarios and realities since it means the disappearance of a species or group of these. This "disappearance" may be due to a natural reason, that is, in the case of those species that only reproduce sexually, extinction will inevitably occur if only specimens of the same sex remain, making it obviously impossible for it to continue, or to occur as a consequence of the non-sanctity of the man who does not care its intervention in nature and produces a catastrophe such as extinction, because undoubtedly and ultimately that represents extinction. Among these little responsible interventions that humans sometimes carry out are: the indiscriminate persecution and hunting of a species, the contamination, destroying your habitat and the introduction of predatory animals that of course will make real and immediate the disappearance of the species.
A species will be considered extinct when the last of its representatives dies
. Meanwhile, we will surely hear about danger of extinction when for example and even when the number is important, there are 300 thousand copies of the same sex of a given species.So far in history on earth, a number of six extinctions that occurred in a massive way have been counted so far, in the most of these, many species, among them, dinosaurs, one of the most famous for the amount of movies, stories and myths that unfolded around him, disappeared in a very short period of geological time and has been attributed especially to the impact asteroids and volcanic explosions.
Although when the extinction of some species occurs this must be taken as a definitive fact, that is, as we said, millions of years ago the dinosaurs, then, it is not that in a few years and as a result of a renewal we will have them among us, today and as a consequence of the appearance of practices like cloning This question has been somewhat doubted, but the truth is that there is still nothing firm or certain about it, only that extinction is a phenomenon that will continue ...
Among the recently extinct species we find the glaucous macao, Carolina parakeet, American passenger pigeon and the fox-wolf of the Falkland Islands among others and regarding of those who are currently coping with this danger are: serrucho duck, larch, huemul, Andean cat, blue whale, tatĂș carreta, Siberian tiger, jaguar, condor, Chinchilla, among others.
Extinction Issues