Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Aug. 2009
According to the use and context in which the term is used Extra presents several references ...
The most widespread and general use that the term acquired over the years is that which refers to that or something that turns out to be additional to the normal than expected, to the common, ordinary or regular. For example, when a meal, a wine, or a meeting exceeded the expectations that were had a priori, then, the expression the food was extra.
On the other hand, when you want give an account of what is outside of some scope, question or context, the word Extra will also be used mostly to speak or refer to it. If for example a litigation was finally settled outside the Justice because the parties agreed without the need for the intervention of the judge, it will be spoken of as having reached its resolution in an extra judicial way.
Also, in the contexts of the type of labor, the term is usually in frequent use since with it it will be designated to those additional money payments that will be collected in addition to the salary as a consequence that the person allocated more hours to their performance labor.
And the last of the uses that is assigned to the term and that also turns out to be very common for most people is the one that refers to the person who works as an actor in a movie or TV show but whose participation is not of great importance, but rather fulfills a filler function, many times to contextualize a situation, it only appears in the background and no dialogue.
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