Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Jun. 2010
The word native is frequently used to refer to that individual who belongs to or is relative to the place in which he was born.
Person who belongs to the place where he was born
"The singer Shakira is a native of Barranquilla, Colombia." "Registration is open only to those native citizens." "My grandfather is a native of the city of Galicia, while my grandmother is a native of Malaga."
But also the term is related to indigenous or aboriginal, that is, to them, regardless of the geographical place in which they are found, they are popularly called as natives.
Because somehow the natives constitute that population originating from a certain territory, which was established before other peoples considered more modern.
That is, the organizations presented by native peoples predate the emergence of the modern state, mainly, because their culture remained outside the European influence after the expansion of the colony.
Among the most popularly recognized natives or aborigines of the American continent are the
Mayas, Aztecs and Incas by the remarkable degree of evolution that demonstrated their cultures.Others that also stood out in the American continent are the diaguitas, pampas, querandÃes, araucanos, onas and guaranÃes, with different levels of evolution and that mostly were disappearing at the force after the conquest of the continent by the Kingdom of Spain.
Many were evangelized and progressively lost their cultural traits.
Although it is a fact that many native peoples still exist around the world, the living conditions of the majority Of these, they turn out to be extremely precarious and fighting for the States to recognize their rights and independences.
In any case, and to be fair as well, there are cases, although they are the least, of natives who continue to maintain the traditions of their culture and at the same time they have acquired the habits and customs of modern western life, even working in large cities.
On the other hand, to everything what is closely related or is typical of these native peoples It will also be called native: the native language, native custom, among others.
Native species: one that belongs to, is its own and original to the ecosystem in which it lives
For its part, the native species will be that which belongs to an area or ecosystem determined.
Meanwhile, his presence in that place is associated exclusively with natural phenomena in which there has not been any type of incursion by human beings.
In other words, to put it in simpler terms, native species are born, grow and develop in a territory spontaneously and naturally, because the conditions of that place wanted it that way, and they are different from those species that are installed in a given geographical place, by the man. In this case we would be facing species that were introduced by man and certainly will require other care to survive.
With regard to the flora and fauna of a geographical place, those native to that space will be considered as native species.
The interaction and adaptation between the elements that compose it will function naturally and will make up the ecosystem of that territory.
If human action destroys that harmony, either by attacking native species or introducing new ones that affect the normal development of the ecosystem, inevitably, the Balance it will be lost and may even disappear completely.
While it is possible in some cases the restoration of native fauna and flora that has been lost due to a negligent action, we must say, that it is not a simple job and that it will require conscious planning, and that it will also take time, because a process must be followed that will go from minor to higher.
Unfortunately, throughout the world, man has for a long time deployed an irresponsible action in the natural environment that led to the affectation of native natural species.
At present, and as a consequence of the experimentation of the dire consequences of this action, it has begun to take conscience but the reconnection and rescue of these abused species will require time and effort of money.
Native Topics