Definition of Blood Tissue
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Jan. 2011
It is a type of structure that occurs in the body running through a complex system of veins, arteries and vessels for its distribution. It is also known simply as blood and has a liquid state, unless clotted, being composed for the most part of Water, being one of the most important elements of the organism, since it acts as Energy that allows to work at circulatory system, keep in functioning the heart and other vital organs.
Blood tissue is formed by the action of two types of elements: the solid part, made up of red and white blood cells and platelets, and the liquid part, which is blood plasma. These two parts make up what we know as blood and despite having solid elements such as those mentioned, the greater proportion of the compound is liquid. Both red blood cells and white blood cells are microscopic elements that are present in the blood and whose presence in a balanced way is what contributes to the Health of the person, being, for example, a person with low red blood cells an anemic.
It activates the circulatory system, that is, the channels through which blood will be distributed to all parts of the body. The different organs of the body need blood as food and that is why significant bleeding or blood loss can easily lead to death. When blood is lacking in some organs, the injuries suffered by the person or the animal they can be temporary or permanent depending on their vigor and the size of the loss. For example, when a person loses consciousness, a possible cause may be because the heart has not been able to send enough blood to the head.
Photo: Adobe Sveta
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