Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Oct. 2014
The owl is a nocturnal bird of prey that is precisely characterized by actively circulating at night in order to capture its prey and feed itself. Now, it is worth noting that this name is typical, original, of countries located in Central America, such as Mexico since in other places it is known as Little owl or also as a type of small owl.
So, biologically, the owl is a bird that is adapted to exert its attack during the night, that is, it is at this time of day when the most acute and concrete can be in the development of its instinct.
It is also a species that has caused various emotions, admiration, fear and veneration, in Mesoamerican culture throughout the centuries, especially since by its Intrinsic characteristics of being a night bird is usually associated with beings and gods that precisely act in the darkness. As many like to say, the night is full of mysteries and then a bird that dominates the scene During this moment of the day, it cannot be exempted from knowing all of them.
But this is not the only one belief popular that surrounds this species, there are many more and loaded with symbolic meanings associated with precisely that capacity of the owls to be able to see in the dark, such as that they are capable of bewitching people, of being able to appreciate beyond what is see with the naked eye because precisely they know how to see like nobody else in the dark, to anticipate what will happen in the future, among the most featured.
And among those who know how to flee from this bird when they cross it, it is because they believe in the popular consideration that has attributed to it the power of being a messenger of bad omens. Therefore, when it appears, it crosses, it is because something bad is going to happen.
At present, it should be noted that the owl is protected from hunting, indiscriminate capture, among other actions, since the species is not abundant and there is a certain risk that it disappears shortly if your survival.
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