Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Abr. 2010
The term fabric is used to designate those pieces of material that are made from of the interweaving of threads or wool and that fulfill a function of shelter or protection of the human body. Tissues are elements that have been useful to humans since prehistoric times and their evolution Over time, it has allowed the development of different types of fabrics and materials that today make up the huge range of garments that we wear every day.
It is considered that the first forms of weaving arose in the Prehistory, along with the discovery of the farming and the possibility that man developed to become sedentary. Thus, the human being of those times did not need to use the skins of wild animals to cover up and bundle up, if not that he began to have his own materials to make his own garments. From then until the present, the fabric has evolved magnificently, counting on the wonderful push that the phenomenon known as Industrial Revolution. From it (occurred at the end of the 18th century), the activity textile won major speed, efficiency and modernity.
The fabric can be made with different fibers, wool and threads, each of these elements resulting in a different type of garment. While the threads are usually used for rather cool and light garments, the wools tend to make warmer and heavier fabrics, ideal for low temperatures. There is also linen, silk, hemp, cotton, and other plant products. All fabrics are in one way or another a confection made from the fabric of the material itself, although sometimes one does not stop at think On it. Currently, synthetic materials such as nylon or lycra are also used.
The fabrics are undoubtedly of great importance for the life of the human being since they are the ones that allow them to shelter from the weather, cover his body and be able to carry out a calm lifestyle. The variety of existing products also allows human beings to choose the most suitable garments. appropriate according to the time of year and the climate, the specific situation to live, your style, etc.
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