Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, on Sep. 2017
The Te Deum is the title of one of the most representative prayers of Christianity. These words in Latin literally mean "to you, oh God" and with them a singing of praise to the Creator.
Throughout it, God is praised as responsible for everything that exists. On synthesis, it is a prayer of gratitude and veneration of men towards God.
Its historical origin
It is believed that the exact origin of this prayer could be related to Saint Augustine and Saint Ambrose, who wrote it together in the IV century AD. C. According to tradition Catholic the two saints composed the Te Deum to celebrate the baptism of Saint Augustine and for its composition the authors were inspired by the Holy Spirit. In the Catholic tradition the prayer is also known as the "Ambrosian Hymn".
In the liturgy and in music
During Catholic Mass, the Te Deum chant is performed on solemn occasions of extraordinary religious importance, such as canonization or the ordination of priests. Likewise, the Pope has the custom of singing it on the last day of the year and in Peru the hymn is sung on the day the
independence of the nation. The celebration of Te Deum is different in each country and in Argentina it takes place on May 25.The Te Deum is part of the liturgy. This hymn is common in the celebration of Resurrection Sunday, at Pentecost and in the celebration of Matins. East text has been collected by famous composers of all times and in very different styles, such as the Baroque, the Romanticism or Classicism. In this sense, the musician William Walton made a composition with his lyrics when Queen Elizabeth II of England was crowned monarch in 1952.
Other Christian prayers
The prayer of the sign of the cross is used to bless things or people and is pronounced when crossing oneself. The Our Father is the main prayer of Christianity and in it the Creator is invoked as Father of all humanity. The Hail Mary is a prayer dedicated to the Virgin Mary and in it we ask that she intercede for us. A synthesis of the main doctrines of the Christian faith is presented in the Creed. In the "I confess" words of repentance are pronounced.
In any case, every sentence establishes a dialogue between men and God. Keep in mind that in the Bible there is a clear invitation to prayer ("Ask and you will receive", John 16:24).
Photo: Fotolia - Angelov
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