Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Jul. 2013
It is called as telepathy to that phenomenon that involves the transmission of thoughts or sensations between individuals who are not physically close and without the mediation of the senses.
Phenomenon by which people who are physically far away transmit emotions or thoughts without the senses intervening
Telepathy is considered as a way of perception extrasensory, precisely because of that skill to obtain information or communication through means other than the senses.
As a consequence that it draws on information that comes from unknown sources is that science does not accept it and is resisted by the scientific community.
A phenomenon that occupies parapsychology since it escapes science or rational explanation
It is framed within what is known as parapsychology or parapsychological / paranormal phenomena.
Is discipline it deals with studying precisely behaviors and psychological phenomena whose origin and consequences do not have a scientific explanation, such is the case of telepathy that concerns us.
Because this phenomenon of telepathy occurs independently of time and space, issues for which the science has not yet found a reliable explanation and that by case they amaze because they escape the laws natural.
Those who believe it consider that they happen on another plane of Energy and that are manifestations of various factors, many of them inexplicable, just happen and those who believe in them accept them, of course, as the supreme reason without discussion.
It has been popular culture that has been transmitting these phenomena, increasing their existence and parapsychology is the only discipline that has taken its existence into an object of study.
The disbelief of science
Among the main arguments that science supports for not giving course and reliability to the telepathic proposal is They say that the level of energy that the human brain is capable of producing is not enough for it to be transmitted information.
In addition, they strengthen the idea that it has not yet been possible to verify a telepathic transmission in a laboratory, but only to through the testimonies of people who say they have experienced it, something that of course, for science is not enough or probative.
Anyway, and beyond this general and official position of science in this regard, there are some scientific factions that do not rule out that in the future not so far away, it is possible, using sophisticated technology, to interpret the waves transmitted by our brain and then send them to a receiving device that decode.
It should be noted that in ordinary language, when two people concur in the same thought it is said to be telepathy.
Telepathy in fiction and in reality
Being a topic, a phenomenon that many people subscribe and believe is that telepathy enjoys great popularity and that is why it is on many occasions the issue has been addressed in the media such as TV, newspapers, and also in books and movies The subject has been treated in a fictional or investigative key.
In fact, the science fiction genre is one of those that most uses to articulate its stories of phenomena that are associated with the paranormal.
And we cannot avoid that a large part of this content produced by the seventh art, the tv, or the literature, enjoy a huge impact and acceptance by the public.
Many hyper popular fictional characters, such as superheroes, have telepathy as part of the super powers that make them such and use it to save the world or to be able to transmit a thought or an idea to another person, usually another superhero to help them in that end.
And also running from fiction and placing ourselves in reality, there is a popular belief that many protagonists hold, which says that the brothers twins or twins tend to have recurrent telepathies due to that close degree of connection that implies having lived together in the womb together for so many months.
So they say, and many believe, that when something happens to you or you feel determined emotion, the other even if he is not aware of anything and even is far away, he will also feel the same as his brother.
Those who firmly believe in the existence of telepathy also maintain that it is possible to develop it through practice as well, that is, a message or a message can be transmitted. sensation to someone else, though, the key to success is basically believing that it is possible, concentrating, and move away from the universe of the senses to only focus on the transmission of the message and who.
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