Definition of Zero Tolerance
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Jan. 2015
The one of tzero olerance is a relatively new concept and one that has spread in our language associated with actions or behaviors that are not acceptable to the peace and harmony of a community. That is, issues like the crime, arms trafficking, and the exercise of violence are issues that directly affect the coexistence social anywhere in the world, as long as those laws or policies that are concerned with prevent them and then condemn them in a radical way have been classified with this concept... Zero tolerance to the delinquency, zero tolerance for drug trafficking, among others.
Basically, then, we could say that zero tolerance is a kind of politics in matters of safety public that proposes severe and iron punishment against those who commit some type of criminal act. In other words, they will be punished harshly regardless of whether the crime committed is minor or major, and even more, it will be to do so as soon as possible with the mission of not delaying the punishment of those guilty of committing a crime.
The fundamental mission, the essential concern of this type of policy is to provide quick and forceful responses to the citizenship that is severely stalked by crime. For example, it is a policy that is applied fundamentally in those contexts in which the practice of crime has become recurrent and violent.
It is worth mentioning that this policy, since its imposition, has generated both approval and strong opposition, especially in the latter case as a consequence of the severe punishments that he knows how to impose on those who commit crimes.
Those who reject it also consider that it is not effective in reducing crime and violence in the streets, far from it. Rather, its only objective is the repression of criminals, without attending to conjunctural issues that are the ones that unleash the wave of crimes.
In the city of New York is where it has been tax this political trend, being his ex Mayor Rudolph Giuliani of her who promoted it, achieving excellent results in reducing crime.
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