Definition of Typhoon Haiyan
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Nov. 2013
The Typhoon baptized as Haiyan and that it struck in the last days in a tremendous way Philippines It would be according to specialists in these phenomena the most imposing and sweeping in history. Because from what has been measured at this point, it consisted of very strong hurricane-force winds that reached 315 kilometers per hour, even faster gusts of 380 and waves that exceeded six meters high and they literally covered several cities.
By case is that in the scale used to measure this type of unusual wind has been classified at level 5, the highest on the scale.
Since 1979, 34 years ago, a typhoon did not impact in the way that Haiyan has done these days. The podium so far was Tip, who knew how to give his force at the beginning of October 1979 and especially affected the Japan, in the Guam region.
But Haiyan is also the protagonist of another sad record and of a certainly bleak panorama, because it has affected ten million people in the Philippines: ten thousand fatalities, some believe that the number will increase with the
to run of the hours and the raking, hundreds of injured and more than 600 thousand citizens who had to be displaced due to the destruction that Haiyan caused in their homes and places of residence.The main obstacle facing the area devastated by Haiyan at the moment is the arrival of assistance since the infrastructure communication and access has been severely damaged , and of course, this makes it impossible for the humanitarian aid that is being sent from different parts of the world to arrive quickly. Even the airport was totally destroyed.
Virtually nothing has been left standing in the Philippine seaside town of Tacloban, the capital of Leyte, as Haiyan ripped the houses out of the water.
Other severely affected cities are those of Guiuan and Bacchus, especially this last of 35 thousand inhabitants has been 80% under water.
Among the assistance that has been announced stands out already uAn item of 25 million dollars from the Central Revolving Fund of the United Nations Organization that is destined for Emergencies.
Now the alert has moved to China and Vietnam.
It should be noted that the typhoon is a characteristic cyclone that occurs on the eastern coasts of Asia and that stands out for its enormous virulence, some even compare it to the explosion of an atomic bomb for the devastating effect they execute on their He passed. Winds of velocity shocking and tremendously heavy rains are the companions of this Asian climate phenomenon.
It is in the tropics and subtropics, when the temperature of the sea is located between 25 and 27 ° that the broth of culture for the appearance of the typhoon because mass disturbances of air Warm and wet. Then, at the request of the condensation more warm air will be drawn from these masses and a chain reaction will be triggered. The surrounding air currents will begin to rotate to the left due to the rotation of the planet and with it will drag the clouds of the disturbances. Once the winds surrounding the disturbances become stable, the typhoon gives way.
It is worth mentioning that the central area of the typhoon is the quietest, while what we could call walls is the most violent point where the wind is most felt.
Themes in Typhoon Haiyan