Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, on Jun. 2010
A tunic is understood to be a garment that consists of a portion of fabric without too much work or complexity in regards to its shape, although its design or decor it can vary greatly. The tunic is undoubtedly one of the oldest and most used garments by humans throughout history and the possibilities of use, as well as design have served in numerous civilizations to mark social and economic differences between those who will use.
The tunic is considered to be one of the first forms of clothing that man developed to cover his body from the elements. While the shape of the robe can vary greatly from civilization in civilization and by historical period, it generally had a Format rather square or rectangular that tended to cover the arms and much of the body. The length of the tunics is perhaps one of the elements of greater variation, having existed short tunics and tunics that reached up to the I usually. At the same time, depending on the individual wearing it, the robe could
tell with ornamental and decorative details that marked not only power and membership social but also wealth and status.We cannot fail to point out that tunics have traditionally been related to Roman civilization since it was in this that they obtained the greatest development and popularity. Roman tunics were used as undergarments on which more luxurious garments such as the toga were placed. However, it is possible to find different types of robes in societies such as the Greek, the Hebrew, the Persian, and many others.
Today tunics do not exist as they did in ancient times. However, you can find numerous current clothing items that are inspired by this format and that can be more or less luxurious depending on who wears them, the situation, etc.
Tunic Themes