Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Jul. 2013
Through the word tutorial it is possible to express to everything related to tutoring or associated with it.
Own or associated with guardianship: authority that someone exercises over another in the civil plane because she is not capable or of legal age
It should be noted that the Guardianship is guardianship or authority that someone, a person, a institution, among other alternatives, exerts on another person who does not yet have civil capacity, either because they do not You have reached the age of majority, that is, you have not reached the age of 18, or failing that, because you have some type from disability that prevents him from fending for himself.
Teacher who guides a student's learning, work or thesis
On the other hand, the word tutoring also has a wide use in the educational field to designate that teacher, teacher, who fulfills the role of the student's guide in a work carried out by the student.
When a student prepares to write his graduation thesis, in those careers that require it to obtain the corresponding degree title, he will have a tutoring, exercised by a
tutor, that is, the tutor is a teacher who will help you solve those obstacles or doubts that arise at the time of the drafting of the same and will transmit all the wisdom of him in the matter.In any of the above cases, the person who is formally acting as a guardian of another must have special qualities, that is, not everyone can be a guardian ...
It will be essential that they have specific knowledge on a subject, in the case of academic tutors; who deploys according to the guide tasks, who knows how to listen to the ward, advise him, taking him to through your guide to good port and towards the objective, without reaching an invasion or carrying out the homework.
Instructional on paper or audiovisual that allows self-understanding of the management of a system, device or the performance of a task
Meanwhile, in another area in which the word tutorial has become very popular and is therefore widely used is that of the computing since it is used there to refer to that system instructive which consists of the car learning of various issues or tasks.
This word that is part of the English language has been integrated into our language And for example, today it is absolutely installed to name these teaching methods, especially associated with computer issues, and which are broadcast on the web in Format Of video.
This is how it is very common to hear today, when someone needs to know how to operate a computer, device, a program or perform any type of task, that they look for a tutorial on the internet, because of course, there are thousands and thousands of tutorials uploaded on the net from which you can learn many things in a few minutes, especially techniques.
Of course, these tutorials will never replace formal teaching, although they are very much useful for people when it comes to understanding how a machine works, or making a preparation culinary.
In the tutorial the teacher is replaced by the aforementioned instructions and it will then be through this that the user will be taught the development of a activity, task, how to use a service or a product, among other questions, explaining point by point and step by step what it consists of and how do it.
The computer tutorial, for example, is nothing more than a short and specific course that will allow those who take it to develop quickly and satisfactorily on any issue.
Much of the software and applications used on the internet and on electronic devices, such as cell phones, have a tutorial that will allow the user to know how they work and use them correctly.
The main characteristic of the tutorial is that it is written from a minimum level of complexity at a maximum level, so the ideal is to read it completely from the start to end.
They are generally structured in a series of steps, whose level of difficulty increases, for example, is It is essential that the logical and sequential order of them be followed so that the user can understand with success.
For example, many of the hardware and software products that are purchased have a video tutorial that will allow the user to know the components of the equipment and how to connect it and finally use it.
Printers are one of these most emblematic cases and about which more tutorials and consultations exist on the net.
Although videos are the most widespread format in which they are made, tutorials can also be printed on paper.
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