Definition of Bermuda Triangle
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, on Feb. 2018
In the Sea Caribbean There is an area of 800,000 square kilometers that is known internationally as the Bermuda Triangle. For more than 70 years in this place there has been the disappearance of boats and planes in an inexplicable way.
It is called the Bermuda Triangle because the area where ships and planes disappear forms a triangle with the following vertices: Miami, the Bermuda Islands and the Island of Puerto Rico.
The first strange phenomenon took place in December 1945, when a squadron of five US Army planes lost their radio connection and disappeared without a trace. It is estimated that 75 planes and more than 100 boats have disappeared over time.
There are all kinds of theories that try to shed some light on the enigma
Some meteorologists from American universities affirm that in the Triangle area there are hexagonal clouds that cause strange combustion of air. This phenomenon triggers cyclones that engulf airplanes and large waves that end up sinking boats.
According to theory Strange magnetic forces intervene from the vile vortices in the Triangle area, causing serious mechanical damage to airplanes and ships.
Some researchers consider that in this triangular area there could be an alteration of space-time that ends up causing the strange disappearances.
According to the theory of electronic fog, air and maritime navigation instruments stop working due to the effect of a thick fog and this circumstance causes the accidents.
Methane hydrates are found in marine sediments and these rise to the surface generating a gas explosion that affects aircraft and ship engines.
Other riddles to be solved
Scientific and technological advances have allowed explain all kinds of natural phenomena and remote historical episodes. Despite this, some enigmas remain without an explanation:
1) the contents of the Voynich Manuscript and who wrote it,
2) it is unknown whether Atlantis really existed or is simply a literary fiction,
3) no one knows where the tombs of Genghis Khan and Alexander the Great are,
4) there is no certainty as to who the Man in the Iron Mask was and why he remained in prison and
5) it is not known reliably if the story The biblical story on Noah's Ark corresponds to a historical episode or is simply an allegory.
The events mentioned are a small show of the many mysteries still to be solved.
Photos: Fotolia - Anton_lunkov / Viktor
Themes in Bermuda Triangle