Sample Letter of Change of Signatures
Cards / / July 04, 2021
The purpose of the letter of change of signatures is to inform a credit institution, companies and the State or whoever requires it. (suppliers or customers) the notification of the change of signature or change of responsible owners.
Textile workshops.
Traje-polecat S.A. de C.V.
Mexico DF. July 17, 2011.
National Bank of Business Credit.
Mexico City, Federal District.
SUBJECT: Change of signatures.
By means of the present, we inform you, the change of directive of our company in assembly held on June 11 of the present.
Notification that we make to them, in order to make changes to the signature of account No. 044XXXXXXXXX that the association owns in this Banking institution, to We also attach the pertinent information in a photocopy and copy of the Assembly minutes, as well as a copy of the credentials of the persons authorized to sign.
(Names and identification,) of the new President.
(Names and identification) of the new Vice-President.
(Names and identification) of the new Administrator.
In accordance with the provisions above, the members of the Outgoing Board of Directors authorize the new Board of Directors to carry out the corresponding procedures and the Banking entity to nullify our firms.
Without further ado for the moment we pay our respects.
President Vice-President