Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Dec. 2009
The term Magyar is used to designate the ethnic group originating in the current area of Hungary, in Europe, despite the fact that today it is no longer as common as in other times. The Magyars are scattered throughout much of the world, considering their population total at about 15 million, 9 of whom are currently in the territory Hungarian.
The ethnic origin of the Magyar groups is not easy to decide since the area they normally inhabited has long been shared by numerous ethnic groups with whom they always maintained contact. In this sense, they are related to Avars, Slavs, and Huns, but not definitively.
I know esteem that the Magyars (or Hungarians) came to the area of present-day Hungary in the 9th century, in the middle of the Middle Ages when the European states were not yet formed. These Magyar groups were originally from areas near the Volga River but had to move from them due to the displacement from other tribes who pushed them west. The
settlement of the Magyars in this area would never be effective or definitive since throughout the centuries the Hungarians would have to compete with other ethnic groups for the possession of the lands. In the 20th century, the Hungarian people would be dismembered because due to political and ethnic conflicts, a large part of its population would have to leave the territory.The Hungarians or Magyars are recognized worldwide (because of such dismemberment) as gypsy groups that are scattered throughout the world without having a physical place of residence. Much of their culture is certainly characterized by being nomadic, but it is certainly not limited to that. Hungarians have made great contributions to universal culture, from areas such as the philosophy, the art, culture, etc.
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