Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Jan. 2013
The word to mention is used to indicate the mention made about a person. Meanwhile, a mention is nothing other than remember an individual or something, for example a event, not only naming it or mentioning the issue but also telling what is linked to it, as appropriate.
It should be noted that the mention can be made orally, in a conversation, such as, Laura mentioned her cousin three times in our conversation , either in writing, that is, someone makes the mention of something or someone through a letter, in a email, among others.
Now, not only do we mention people and things, we also mention expressions, opinions and ideas opportunely expressed by other people. It is extremely common that in a speech or simply when we are talking with someone friend let's mention the phrase of a Author, a politician, or an artist, among others.
Generally, when mention is made of something a person said in writing, what it says is placed in quotation marks to precisely indicate that it is a
expression, opinion, of another person and not of who writes the document or Article in question.On the other hand, When a person stands out in some task, activity, profession, it is usual for him to receive what is known as a special mention , for precisely having deployed a task that provided an enormous contribution to society and the common good. Meanwhile, in the field academic a honorable mention to that student who has stood out from the rest for his excellent performance.
In another vein, we usually use the word mention to express the memory of something with the clear intention that its memory is kept alive or there is news of what is mentioned, that is, to inform someone of something. It goes without saying that we greatly appreciate your visit with Carlos..
And in the field of social media, more precisely from TwitterThe word mention has a special reference since it is one of the many ways we have to tweet through the network. If the message in question includes the name of a Username, there will be talk of mentioning such a user. And it will warn that this or that was mentioned on Twitter.
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