Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Nov. 2012
The word you liar is the term we use the most in our language to refer to that individual who lies or has a predisposition to do so.
It should be noted that it is also possible to use the word to indicate that which stands out for being unbelievable or for inventing stories, for example, a Newspaper who hides the truth of the facts or of a reality will be considered as a liar. In other words, we apply the word liar mostly in relation to individuals but we can also do it in relation to objects or things.
The liar individual is characterized by expressing lies about things, situations or other people. The lie is basically the misrepresentation of a truth, which may have various purposes: to annoy or harm someone, hide some fact so that another does not suffer, avoid a sanction, to gain an advantage in something, or it can simply be born by the habitual inclination to lie.
The liar creates a reality that does not exist and will try to convince his interlocutors of it, even, in some cases, even the liar himself believes what is not true.
When the person lies in a constant way, it is designated as mythomaniac, according to psychology. In this specific case, the lie stands as a pathology.
Now, not all lies have the same effects. Because a lie that is told to avoid someone's suffering, popularly known as reasonable lie, it will not be objectionable from the point of view moralOn the other hand, when an individual cheats on his wife with another woman that lie will be reprehensible from the moral point of view. Meanwhile, if the lie is manifested at the behest of a judicial sphere, a punishment about the person who lies.
Among the various synonyms that presents this term, we highlight that of misleadingMeanwhile, the opposite concept is that of sincere, which refers to the opposite, that is, when something or someone is sincere it is because they do not lie, they do not tell lies.
And on the other hand, a liar is a popular card game that is practiced in Spain and also in other Spanish-speaking regions such as Argentina and Uruguay, where it is more common to call it I distrust. The proposal of the game is that the participants discard their cards and whoever is left without the dealt cards wins.
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