Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Jan. 2011
Lying is an action that can be exercised by any human being who possesses a certain language to express an idea. The act of lying supposes always to be missing the truth, that is, to use erroneous or false information to create a situation that is not such. The lie (that is, what the act of lying produces) is very common in language written as in the oral and although it is frowned upon by the social parameters of behavior, it is difficult to find a person who has never resorted to it. However, it is important point out that there are different types of lies that can be more or less harmless depending on the purpose for which they are told and the possible damage they cause.
When a person lies, he always does it for a reason. In this sense, even the act of lying jokingly has an objective, which is, precisely, to play a trick on the interlocutor. The lie is told in many cases to hide truths that can harm the speaker (for example, when lying about a mistake made that does not want to be recognized by the person who committed it), but they can also be said in many other cases so as not to harm the interlocutor with information that is true but painful or difficult to to accept.
To lie it is not necessary to have any kind of special ability since anyone can do it. However, there are people who find it much easier and achieve their objectives much better than others. This is so since to lie you also have to know how to handle issues such as emotionality (that is, have a mind and a heart cold so that it does not make you feel bad to know that he is not doing the right thing) and also the body since many times it makes it known that one is lying, although involuntarily.
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