Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Nov. 2010
Mystical is understood as everything that is related to mysticism, to the spiritual connection that individuals can develop with the extraterrestrial. The term mystic is a qualifying adjective that is used, then, to designate people or situations that have to do with mysticism or mysticism.
The term mystic comes from the Greek myo, which means to close the eyes, and from myeomai, which means to be initiated.
An experience is mystical when it cannot be verified by reason or the senses, since it comes from spiritual self-knowledge
When we speak of a person as someone mystical, we are referring to a person who has a highly developed spiritual side, perhaps more than the average person, and that demonstrates that spirituality or that connection with what is beyond earthly life not only from actions such such as prayer, devotion or passion for their object of worship, if not also many times in the way of dressing, in the way of communicating, in the Rather peaceful, relaxed or calm attitudes that he possesses and that undoubtedly have to do with that intimate relationship with which we cannot understand rationally.
Many times, the current society in which we live forgets to take into account a mystical side, becoming more interested in earthly or material things or concerns. This is why when a person has a high level of mysticism, or considers himself as a mystical person, he tends to clash with other people, both for the good and for the wrong. Thus, a mystical person can easily become the object of different kinds of ridicule because People stop seeing that devotion or passion that they feel to understand it as a person outside the normal. Other times, a person with a high degree of mysticism can be seen by many as an interesting example. of life that proposes another way of approaching reality and that provides many significant ideas for it.
Mystics in the Christian religious tradition
San Juan de la Cruz and Santa Teresa de Jesús were Spanish literati of the seventeenth century and both expressed deep spiritual concerns in their works. In this sense, they sought union with God in their own soul.
In other words, through a process of internalization away from reason and senses They began a spiritual quest, also known as divine enlightenment. In mysticism it is intended that the human soul connects with the soul of God and this union is known as the unitive way. It should be noted that in the tradition Christian prayer is one of the paths used by mystics.
In the eastern tradition
In some Eastern religions and philosophies its followers are considered mystics, as they seek to achieve fulfillment and inner happiness. In the Indian tradition of the Vedas and in Buddhism there are approaches along these lines. Certain meditation techniques or yoga practice incorporate a mystical sense of existence.
At the same time, the higher states of conscience in Buddhism they are also forms of interaction between the spirit and the infinite consciousness of the cosmos.
In philosophy
In a general sense mystique as attitude personal focuses on performing an activity of a spiritual nature in order to merge the human soul with the divinity or the forces that rule the world.
East approach was part of the school Neoplatonic in antiquity, since the philosophers of this current sought the inner illumination of the soul and for this they delved into the intelligence intuitive and not purely intelligence rational.
The inner experiences of a mystic are not explicable in an analytical sense and cannot be expressed in words either. It is something that cannot be talked about but can be felt.
Finally, some philosophers have asked whether mysticism is a form of knowledge or is simply a way of expressing transcendence.
Themes in Mystic