Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Mar. 2017
Workplace harassment or Mobbing is a form of psychological pressure or moral. The term is used to describe the harassment situations to which some people are subjected in their work environment.
What happens in mobbing?
First of all, it should be noted that in this type of situation there are two protagonists: one or more harassers and a victim. The stalker tries to destroy the emotional balance of the harassed in order to destroy him psychologically.
The harasser tends to be cruel to his victim through a series of strategies: with false accusations, speaking badly of his victim in front of others, spreading rumors, discrediting his ability professional, threatening his privacy or using foul and aggressive language.
In short, the stalker uses all kinds of tricks to undermine the mood of the bullied. As a consequence of all this, those close to the victim may come to see him as someone strange and different. This means that the stalker has indirect allies in his strategy destroyer.
The victim of bullying begins feeling confused and gradually suffers psychologically
Due to all this, he changes his conduct in the environment labor. In this way, he isolates himself and does not participate in everyday conversations. Obviously, he feels dejected and this can lead to a depressive state that affects his work and his personal and family life very negatively.
Usually the victim does not find an explanation logic about what happens to you and for that reason you can feel guilty. On the other hand, if he decides to go to a psychologist or a psychiatrist, he may be diagnosed with depression. or some type of phobia, when in reality the cause of his discomfort is given by the workplace harassment that suffers.
Experts in these types of situations advise that the harassed implement a series of measures:
1) try to confront bullying with firmness and determination,
2) demand a correct and respectful treatment,
3) avoid blaming yourself for the bullying situation,
4) not isolate yourself from others,
5) ask a professional for help psychology Y
5) report the harasser to the Justice if the above measures are not helpful
Other forms of psychological abuse
Mobbing is a form of psychological abuse and is part of the world of work. When bullying takes place in the school setting, it is called bullying. If the intention of the harasser has a sexual purpose, it is sexual harassment. There is also cyberbullying and other forms of harassment, such as those that take place between neighbors or within the family.
All these phenomena have elements in common: the victims suffer from emotional disorders, feel humiliated and may need some kind of psychological support to overcome their situation.
Photos: Fotolia - Marinabh / Patrick Meider
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