Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Nov. 2010
A missionary is understood as a person who decides to follow a mission. Usually, the concept of missionary is related to individuals who are part of a religious community and who have as their homework evangelize or spread the precepts of their faith both in the same community in which they live and in very distant communities where they probably have to start from scratch. A missionary is, therefore, a person who is completely dedicated to that task and usually does so with complete commitment, devotion and love. History provides us with numerous examples of missionaries who, leaving their entire lives behind, gave themselves to such a task, Jesus being perhaps one of the most important.
The basis of all religion is to increase your influence in different communities, a task for which they need to count on the important and significant presence and work of the missionaries. Missionaries are only responsible for spreading this religion and taking it to distant places, even to places where there are other religions rooted for centuries.
Although the idea of ​​missionary takes us back to times of the Humanity in which religion played a fundamental role in society (for example, in the times of Roman empire or in medieval times), it would be a mistake think that in the present there are no missionaries. On the contrary, today we can also find people who dedicate their entire lives and dispense with the comforts or assurances that any of us have in pursuit of bringing faith to new places. Today's missionaries often undertake other types of tasks as well, solidarity tasks that have to do with helping the most impoverished and forgotten populations by the different systems of can. These people are usually the ones closest to the emotionality that generates a faith are, not being immersed in materialistic and individualistic social realities.
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