Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Gabriel Duarte, in Nov. 2008
Any phenomenon that lacks convincing explanations is called a mystery. Since his appearance on the face of the earth, man has tried to access knowledge about the reality that surrounds him, seeing himself on many occasions frustrated in his intentions. It can be said that many of the myths that inhabited ancient civilizations tried to provide answers to man's concerns. The birth of the philosophy on the civilization Greek and the later development of science can somehow be framed within these appraisals.
Despite this man's search, the truth is that there has always been and will always be a question that remains without an adequate answer, a problem that seems without solution. This circumstance arises from the fact that any explanation always raises other questions that must be answered. For example, a theory about the origin of the universe involves a series of questions as relevant as that supposed origin, such as the causes that motivated that origin. So there is always a space for uncertainty which is impossible to fill.
Now the experience that derives from the presence of a mystery is closely related to the emotional as well as the merely cognitive. Indeed, this circumstance has been widely used for the entertainment industry. In the movie theater Thrillers based on the existence of an enigma that keeps the audience in suspense while waiting for it to be unveiled are very popular. It is also common to see illusionists who play with this effect when performing acts that in appearance they escape human understanding.
Finally, it should be noted that a symptom of modesty it is to recognize that there is no answer to all the questions and that many aspects of existence are plunged into a deep mystery. This is especially important when contemplating the arrogance that accompanies arguments where two antagonists aspire to be right at all costs.
Mystery Themes