Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Aug. 2009
The concept of modulation has several uses in our language and according to the context in which it is used, the term modulation will refer to various questions that we will review below.
The modulation in the music
In music, for example, modulation will be the change in tone that occurs during the development of a work, always taking into account the rules of harmony. The change consists in doing it within the same work but without indicating it with the double bar. Meanwhile, each modulation will show its own particular cadence, which is what will allow us to know what key it is in. The tones called neighbors are the ones that are most frequently modulated, because they are the ones that they are closer to the main key and will then require less alteration to produce the change. The five main ways to modulate are: Pivot Chord, Dominant, Installations, Transfer, and Transfer Pivot.
The incidence of modulation in telecommunications
On the other hand and at the request of the
telecommunications, the word modulation refers to the set of techniques used to convey information about a carrier wave. The main benefit of these techniques is that they allow a better exploitation of the channel communicationWith which open the possibility of transmitting more information simultaneously and with adequate protection against possible noise or interference.In general terms, modulation consists of making a parameter of the carrier wave change its value from according to the variations proposed by the modulating signal, which will be the one whose object is the transmission of information.
It will be according to the parameter on which we act that we will have the different types of modulation that exist: double sideband modulation (DSB), amplitude modulation (AM), phase modulation (PM), frequency modulation (FM), single sideband modulation (SSB), sideband modulation vestigial (VSB), quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM), orthogonal frequency division modulation (OFDM), ring modulation and wavelength.
Of all the types mentioned, amplitude modulation and frequency modulation are the two most widespread and popular, that almost everyone recognizes more than anything by its acronym, because they happen to be the guys who use the radio to to transmit. Thanks to these we can listen to our favorite radio programs, whether they are transmitted through frequency modulation or frequency modulation.
Typographic modulation
Also, when it comes to typography, the term modulation has a special meaning in this context, since the term modulation designates the axis imaginary of a character and that will arise from the position of the fine lines and the. The axis can be vertical or have some degrees of inclination, a situation that will be crucial when determining the character style.
The importance of voice modulation in communication
But without a doubt, where we widely use the concept of modulation is when we want to account for this alteration. that can be attributed to our tone of voice, providing cadence, harmony and softness for it so that our interlocutor understand us satisfactorily and at the same time our tone sounds pleasant.
This is usually appreciated by actors and announcers, who, due to their activity clearly expressive need that the voice, one of the fundamental tools of their work, can transmit effectively emotions, ideas, opinions, realities, among other issues.
If we get to think on the radio host, there will be nothing more unpleasant than listening to a radio professional speaking all the time with the same uniform tone and without fading hue. It will surely be boring to us and we will end up changing the dial in search of something more attractive.
The oscillation of the tones of voice, putting emphasis on some words will not only improve the voice but will also help when imposing our words and phrases greater intensity, and of course, it will make us a much more attractive interlocutor to listen to in front of another who does everything contrary.
And not to mention the communicative effectiveness that we can generate if we precisely incorporate pauses, different intonations, good diction. With this we will not only be understood perfectly but also we will be able to transmit the emotion that generates what we are telling, speaking and moving the public that listens to us of course.
If we find that our communications are not proving effective it is important that we review some of these issues mentioned and see if we recognize any problems of this type. First to single out what we are doing wrong in the communicative plane and second to be able to solve it, since it is something simple to correct.
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