Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Jan. 2011
As the name of it says, mineralogy is a science that studies minerals, their behavior and their interaction with other natural elements, its terrestrial and underground location; in other words, everything relative to this type of elements. Because much of the minerals are found under or within the earth, mineralogy is part of a larger science that is geology and that studies the different strata of planet Earth. Mineralogy is a science of vital importance not only to carry out productive activities that involve the extraction of minerals, if not also to know the different types of terrain, its danger, etc.
Mineralogy is a very complete science since it studies both the physical properties as well as the chemical properties that characterize the different minerals found on the planet, thus being able to classify them and decide its usefulness, its dangerousness, its useful life, its location, etc. Obviously, the knowledge that the human being had about the
availability Metals around it exist since ancient times and many times wars of great importance were carried out for the obtaining and mastery of deposits of different metals.One of the most important parts of mineralogy is studying the physiognomy of each metal, thus establishing elements such as veins, colors, porosity, the alteration that the metal undergoes in the face of different natural elements such as light or air, its possible combination or alloy with other metals or elements. All these data are collected by the professionals of this activity and are then used largely for extraction activities and treatment of minerals in different aspects of daily life. Needless to say, in order to obtain its results, mineralogy must have important technological equipment.
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