Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Sep. 2009
The term monographs corresponds to the plural of the word monograph and by monograph it refers to that study or investigation that a person carries out about a particular topic or theme.
A relevant tool for study and knowledge
Undoubtedly, it is in the educational and science fields where we can most find work monographs, although, this in no way precludes that the monograph can be used in any other circumstance and scope that so demand it.
Whenever a detailed and detailed study of a question is required, that is, that all the edges of the topic are addressed and deepened, by various professionals and sources that may even demonstrate differences in the thought or approach, the monograph stands as an ideal and fundamental tool.
On the other hand, the monograph, whatever its subject, is a widely consulted source at the request of the learning since it is known that it will have a complete and very exhaustive approach to the subject in question. For example, in the school the teachers not only send to make monographs so that the student learn something but also send to consult them so that the student knows more about a topic that is being learning.
Generally, it will be in educational contexts in which the monograph has a greater presence. That special work that for example is assigned to us in the field of Biology, such as the parts in which the human body is divided and that requires a more or less extensive scientific explanation, for which the student will carry out an investigation that will later be put on paper, it is called as monograph.
The monograph and its explosion on the web
The fabulous development of new technologies has also generated a fantastic development of this type of content on the web. As we know, the web is an inexhaustible source of consultation for everyone and everything.
When we want to know something about a subject, we no longer go to the encyclopedia or to the query text but directly enters a browser and there the query in question is indicated with keywords, or directly with the word. Incredibly, the search triggers thousands of responses to the topic and many of them are in monographic mode, that is, they offer a very broad and detailed view of the topic. There are even web pages dedicated exclusively to the publication of monographs on countless issues of relevance and the world of knowledge.
Structure and classification of the monograph
A monograph can consist of several pages, that is, there is no limit, it can be a work that consumes much fewer pages than a book has or exceeds a few in length books.
A monograph can be classified into scientific, when dealing with issues inherent to science, journalistic, when the topics discussed are linked to ethics or philosophy O well general, when it deals with reflecting any topic of interest, its content being variable.
The realization of a monograph implies the need to observe a series of steps, among them: appearance of the idea or assignment of the topic, search for information, presentation of the object in a concrete and succinct way, final choice of the topic and readings complementary, planning from work, drafting of the draft and once this has been reviewed, the final wording in which the work is exposed with their respective titles, paragraphs, number of pages, graphics, among others.
Topics in Monographs