Definition of Urban Mobility
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Jun. 2017
In large cities, a high number of people are constantly on the move and this generates a problem of transport and a number of inconveniences, such as traffic jams, parking problems, contamination atmospheric, etc.
To the margin Of these inconveniences, we must not forget that many citizens have mobility problems. In this sense, people with some disability They face all kinds of adversity and their daily life in cities is full of obstacles.
The design of accessible cities for people with mobility problems
A blind person who moves around the city will have to face situations of high risk for their physical integrity. A person traveling in a wheelchair will also have to face all kinds of inconveniences (for example, sidewalks that are too high or lack of parking for their vehicle).
People with deafness have difficulties in the urban environment, as certain dangers are only known through acoustic signals. For these problems to be significantly reduced it is necessary for cities to incorporate accessibility measures. In this sense, some cities have launched initiatives to improve mobility for all. Among them we can highlight the following: audible traffic lights for people with vision problems, buses adapted to car seats. wheels, sidewalks that allow access to wheelchairs, acoustic signals for the deaf, information panels on the situation of the traffic, etc.
Mobility problems in cities do not exclusively affect people with disabilities
A mother with a pushchair may have difficulty getting around with normal. A person with a leg injury will also have to take on all kinds of inconveniences. A citizen Seniors also cannot move easily in some circumstances. These examples highlight a reality: universal accessibility is an issue that affects the entire community. population as a whole.
A city is accessible to everyone when no one is discriminated against because of their disability, age or any other circumstance. In this sense, some cities have already implemented global plans to facilitate the mobility of all their inhabitants and visitors.
These plans are related to the design urban streets, squares and parks, but also with access to historical monuments or access to information. Based on these kinds of measures, the aim is to turn the urban environment into a kinder and more respectful environment for people.
Cities such as Nantes, Santander, Salvador de Bahía or Asunción have already adopted measures to facilitate the mobility of people in the urban environment.
Photos: Fotolia - menona / Andrey Popov
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