Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Victoria Bembibre, on Feb. 2009
The system database MySQL is today one of the most important when it comes to design Y programming relational type database. It has millions of applications and appears in the computer world as one of the most used by users of the medium. The MySQL program is used as a server through which multiple users can connect and use it at the same time.
The history of MySQL (whose acronym in English is moved to My Structured Query Language or Language of Query Structured) refers to the early 1980s. IBM programmers developed it to have a code programming that would allow the generation of multiple and extended databases for companies and organizations of a different kind. Since this time numerous versions have emerged and many of them were of great importance. Today MySQL is developed by Sun Mycrosystems company.
One of the most interesting features of MySQL is that it allows you to use multi-user databases at through the web and in different programming languages that adapt to different needs and requirements. On the other hand, MySQL is known to develop high
velocity in the search for data and information, unlike previous systems. The platforms it uses are of various types and among them we can mention LAMP, MAMP, SAMP, BAMP and WAMP (applicable to Mac, Windows, Linux, BSD, Open Solaris, Perl and Python among others).New versions of MySQL are being studied and developed that seek to present improvements and advances to allow better performance in all activities that require the use of databases relational. Among these improvements we can mention a new deposit device and storage, backup for all types of storages, secure replication, planning of events and others.
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